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The period of home isolation (imposed to prevent the spread of Covid19, from March 2020), for me, meant a moment of introspection that gave birth to a new artistic series. I have always been attached to nature (due to the fact that I spent my childhood vacation in my grandparents village,in a mountainous area), but since 2019, when I started hiking more often,I felt this reconnection with nature.

This has shaped the artistic direction of my works, which illustrates the way we relate to the environment as well as the impact that we have on it.

My works express the fact that we are not above nature; but we are part of it and we need to learn to have a better relationship with the environment.

drawing | photography | visual art
drawing | photography | visual art
drawing | photography | visual art
drawing | photography | visual art
drawing | photography | visual art
drawing | photography | visual art
drawing | photography | visual art
drawing | photography | visual art
drawing | photography | visual art

_ ink drawings on transparent foil _

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