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The series consists of stencils made of transparent foil, whose main subject is the Ctrl key, which used in combination with other keys allows special commands for different purposes. Commands such as Ctrl+S, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+X, Ctrl+N are used to highlight various aspects of society in relation to the environment and not only.
The artworks express the fact that we are not above nature; but we are part of it and it is necessary to learn to have a better relationship with the environment.

visual art | photography
visual art | photography
visual art | photography
visual art | photography
visual art | photography
visual art | photography
visual art | photography
visual art | photography
visual art | photography
visual art | photography
visual art | photography
visual art | photography
visual art | photography
visual art | photography
visual art | photography
visual art | photography
visual art | photography
visual art | photography
visual art | photography
visual art | photography
visual art | photography
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