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Bastion, Timișoara, curator Călin Petcana


Essentially, the installation involves at first sight a single exhibit in the exhibition space. A photo. The truth will not be revealed to the viewer until he is involved, until he makes a first comprehensive gesture, sitting in front of this exhibit - perhaps questioning, perhaps admiring. Perhaps trying to capture in an instant this seemingly unique element of the exhibition. Anyway, in a gesture of astonishment and, at the same time, of the video, part of the installation that is only now being revealed. The automatic triggering of the gesture of photographing the work of art in front of you, a gesture that has become mechanical, indifferent, entered the personal automatism of the encounter with the work of art, an almost reflexive gesture that cancels, by postponement, the comprehensive act at the encounter with art. In fact, it even cancels the meeting you came to.
By automatically triggering the video intervention, the viewer is forced, abruptly, taken out of everyday life and transposed into that reality for which he entered the exhibition space and which, apparently, he just missed.
The artwork itself is an alarm signal on how we relate to the environment. The attention, participation, involvement and time needed for a good meeting, all these are targeted and questioned by the young artist.
The video installation presented is part of a series of the series entitled Fireflies, a series in which she approaches, as she herself states ”the idea of ephemeris, allegorically transposed: what appears to us as a delightful appearance carries, in itself, the seal of burning. The spark of fire appears to us as an enchanting dance, but it is actually a wailing voice”.
Thus, only on closer reading is the deep message of the video installation revealed to us.

visual art | video | projection | digital art
visual art | video | projection | digital art
visual art | video | projection | digital art
visual art | video | projection | digital art
visual art | video | projection | digital art

_ digital art, video, projection _

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